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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (60% of Full)


Re: Letter to the Times

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August 01, 2002 01:58AM
I'd like to respond to you Ron and then to Sycamore's post just after yours.

Ron I had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with you a few weeks back and I'm glad we hit it off. We have also have something very in common, and that is the hot springs and the love of the great outdoors, Mother Nature.
I believe in God and try to live descent life. I do not go to church as you, but I do take a certain amount of time at the hot springs to mediate, that's probably why I like to soak early early early in the morning because it's usually quite and I love the morning sounds. Plus everyone's sleeping yet as well.
I don't care for the bible because I don't like the lingo or verbage in it, but give me an electronics book and I go bonkers!

Ron, one thing you gotta understand about Wizard and I, we both are very opinionated and very communicative.............in other words we love to talk a lot. He and I have been in so many arguements now, I lost track. We both love the hot springs, we both own wilderness property way up north very close to one another and etc... But he and I just do and see things differently and then you open our mouth and ther you have it, another battle of words, 'til we burn out, then we're buddy buddy again.
That's why he calls it a "Love-Hate" relationship.

Sycamore, I'm glad you and I have been talking by email and must say it'll be interesting meeting you and your friend Paul later this month. I think you read me quiet well from what I can make of it. I'm a little hyper and can be hot headed at times, as if you didn't know by now. Mike C. and I used to be the way Wizard and I are now. We would argue off and on over petty things. Now we never agrue and I believe we trust each other much more now than we used to. I am sure later in the month when we finely meet we'll hit it off.

See ya both hopefully soon, cheers, Az.

Letter to the Times

katrina 1382July 29, 2002 12:31PM

Re: Letter to the Times

sycamore laughing 865July 29, 2002 12:56PM

Re: Letter to the Times

Wizard 809July 29, 2002 07:55PM

Re: Letter to the Times

Ron 744July 30, 2002 08:25AM

Re: Letter to the Times

sycamore laughing 705July 30, 2002 09:38AM

Re: Letter to the Times

Arizona Mike 801August 01, 2002 01:58AM

Re: Letter to the Times

Sycamore Laughing 796August 01, 2002 07:17AM

Re: Letter to the Times

Wizard 694August 01, 2002 07:09PM

Re: Letter to the Times

Sycamore Laughing 779August 01, 2002 08:48PM

Re: Letter to the Times

Wizard 865August 01, 2002 07:12PM

Re: Letter to the Times

Wizard 1253August 02, 2002 09:19AM

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