I drove to the Freedom trailhead to see how the resent rain storms had affected the roads. They were terrible. The only time I had seen it this bad was in the 90`s after it had rained every day for more than 2 weeks. I scraped the bottom of my truck more than 2 times. There were also many mud puddles still in the road. I will NOT go back this route again until mother nature fixes the road.
I got to the springs at 1 pm. When I pulled out my thermometer the air temp was 60 degrees. The water was 49 degrees. I could see probably 30 - 40 people around. I swam as fast as I could to cross the creek. Others were crossing by walking down stream a bit. The water there was up to their chest. This took 3 times longer than swimming.
The first regular I saw was mayor David. I chatted with him about 20 minutes.
Afterwards I went around and checked the temperatures of the pools. The water of the creek was at the same level as the Serenity pool. Witch was muddy some what with leaves and debris on its bottom. Some one had removed the sand bags there that had directed the water from the Crab Cooker pool to this pool when the water was higher. I corrected this situation later in the day just before I left at sun down. Because it was not crowded then. The temp of the water was 105 degrees in the Serenity pool.
The temp of the Womb pool was 103 degrees, this was warmer than expected also.
The Anniversary pool temp was 105 degrees. Also warmer than expected. It was a bit muddy also. So, I went up to the source by the Pacific Crest trail to investigate why the water was muddy.? An African guy and an Arabian fellow had and were building a pool there. The water temp was 119 degrees. They asked me to not get in because the water was too hot they said with an Arab accent. They spoke to each other in an Arab language. I told them I was tough just like them. But did not sit down like they did as the pool was too small. Again later in the day, just before sunset, I went and tore this pool down so this heated water could go to the other pools.
The Arizona pool was about 4-6 inches under the height of the creek. There was no sand in the pool at all. And the plug from the drainage pipe was missing. Someone had put sandbags just below the source to make a small pool there only big enough for 2 people. Most were only soaking their feet and splashing the hot water on themselves. The temp upstream from the AZ pool was 47 degrees.
As I looked around the beach area I spotted 7 tents and 2 other areas where people had just piled up camping equipment. Kind of strange as there is no moon light now. The good
news is there was no trash to be found anywhere.
While soaking in the Womb pool I got into a conversation with 4 guys from Colorado. I got into telling them about my time when I worked at the nuclear test site in Nevada which was an incredible and multifaceted experience. As my stories became complicated they explained they had done some LSD just before I had got there. And they were extremely fascinated by my stories, tell us more. This seemed like it took 1 hour BUT, it took more than 2 hours. Whereupon they announced that I appeared like a wizard.? That was when they all retired to their camp site amazed beyond belief. VERY INTERESTING!!!!!!
As I crossed the creek to go home an unmarked helicopter came flying low and slow over the canyon. I started to get out my camera but, it appeared the copter was about to hit the cliff just above me. So, I ran as quickly as I could. Luckily it did not. So I took pics of it as it was leaving. Then some people from China came to me asking what to do? I explained to them how to cross. It was an elderly couple and their 30ish son. Only the son spoke English. As they were crossing the father got caught in the current and started drowning. Again, I ran as fast as I could to attempt to rescue him. His son got there first, luckily. So, there is a lesson there for us all, be aware at all times.
And now I would like to vent about the driving situation I experienced this trip.
As I was driving on Bowen ranch road a group of motorcycles came from the opposite direction. The first group of 3 were coming toward me around a curve in the road. One of them was looking at the guy beside him and did not see me about to hit him. I blew my horn to get his attention and made a hard left turn into the embankment. He leaned to the left missing me by inches. I felt like cussing at him but did not. About 8 more cycles came around the curve all slamming on their brakes. I had to pull off the embankment to get the dirt off my bumpers and tires. They all continued on, teenagers all. I hope they learned a lesson !
Then as I left on central Avenue as I got near where the railroad crossing is a monster truck with extra bright lights was coming the opposite direction. I flashed my bright lights on an off hoping he would turn off his lights. But noooo. I could not even see my windshield. So I had to stop in the road so I would not crash.
Beam me up Scotty as there is no intelligent life here !!!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/10/2024 11:25AM by Wizard.