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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (74% of Full)


Trip Report 5-19 2023 , second snake

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May 21, 2023 04:49PM
I arrived at the new campground at 1 pm. It was another weather perfect day. The wind was gently blowing into my face the whole way down hill. And there were powder puff clouds blocking the hot sun occasionally. There were only about 20 persons around the spring area. And @ 12-15 through hikers around the beach area. More PCT hikers appeared later.
I had a thermometer with me. All temps were taken near the center of the pools and near their surface. The creek has gone down enough so all pools are now above the creek water height. The Arizona pool has some creek water flowing into it making the water colder than usual. The temp there was 96 degrees. It was much warmer near the spring side of the pool. Some one had blocked the flow with rocks and sand up hill near the source. So I took them down so it would flow directly into this ( many persons favorite pool). The Anniversary pool was baking in the sun. The temp there was 112 degrees. Some one had obviously just cleaned the debris from this pool. Thank you to whomever. The Womb pool was also warmer than usual at 108 degrees. The Serenity pool was a real delight at 106 degrees. The Contemplation pool had two Africans lovers in it so I did not bother them. They were talking in what sounded like swahilly, an African language. I wondered if they got here legally. Non of my business! They had a beautiful appearance. And seemed to be deeply in love, hopefully.
As the hours passed people were cooling off by jumping into the creek. The water temp at where the beach area was 52 degrees. The water up stream from the Arizona pool was 50 degrees. The outside air temp was 86 degrees. Just before the sun started to go behind the mountain top a large cloud covered the sky cooling every thing and every one for the hike out and up hill. Perfect!
On this trip every one seemed to be very happy to be in my favorite hot spring.
EXCEPT !!! AS I was leaving I found a large bag with about 30 pounds of ugly stinking trash. As I got near to where the raft is to cross the creek I found a smaller bag with about 10 pounds of ugly stinking trash in it. So I put the small bag into the larger bag and hauled it up the big hill. This would have not have been possible if that big beautiful cloud were not there. WTF ! PLEASE every one. Help keep D.C.H.S. clean and beautiful. PLEASE!

Trip Report 5-19 2023 , second snake

jobe1511May 21, 2023 04:49PM

Re: Trip Report 5-19 2023 , second snake

jobe592May 22, 2023 04:55AM


Rick772May 22, 2023 04:32PM

Re: Trip Report 5-19 2023 , second snake

Paul P.837May 26, 2023 07:13PM

Re: Trip Report 5-19 2023 , second snake

HikerCamper649May 23, 2023 10:31AM

Re: Trip Report 5-19 2023 , second snake

jobe668May 24, 2023 02:17AM

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