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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (12% of Full)


trip Report 3-27-2021 First 'SNAKE'

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March 28, 2021 09:55PM
I arrived at the D.C.H.S. Campground just before noon. Niked around and noticed the campground was nearly full. A party was going on in several different areas. Tents were near every picnic table, almost. It seemed as if everyone I saw were having a good time and smiling. It gave my earlier comments of 'party on' was what was happening here. If only I were younger I would have crashed a party some where. Spring break was in FULL effect this day. The weather was as good as it gets. Seventy degrees and a gentle wind was at my back to help me down the trail. About 3/4 of the way down I spotted a less than 2 feet long rat snake. It was in the middle of the trail. His litening fast reflexes put him off to the side into a small plant. But still a danger. So I stomped my feet before it and he slithered down the hill. It'IS' that time of year again. Perhaps he was a party snake? When I got to the springs there were already 60-80 persons there. Behind me were many more people constantly arriving on the beach.Usually in groups of 10-15 persons. My friend Chuck was the only regular on this Saturday. Many people I spoke with were first timers. So, about 3;00pm I got my thermometerout to see how the pools were. The creek water about 8 feet upstream from the Arizona pool was 54 degrees. Alltemps were taken near the center of the pool and near the surface. The Arizona pool was 106 degrees and constanly full of people. Many said this was their favorite pool. No need to wonder why? The Anniversary pool was 103 degrees and full of people. One needed to wait for someone to get out to get yourself in. It was that kind of day. It is no wonder I left early. The Womb pool was 97 degrees and some what a party. The Serenity pool was 106 degrees. It was 108 where the hot water enters into this pool. The Crab cooker pool was 113 degreres. I spent about 45 minuets getting in and out of this uncrowded pool. Very refreshing. The Contemplation pool was 90 degrees. A large group of Hispanics were in this pool most of the day. As I started out more large groups of people were coming in, most with sleeping equipment. I left just after 4 pm. There was as many leaving as there were coming down the trail. I was just glad no one had the CCP virus. When I got back to the D.C.H.S. campground it was full of party people. I saw no empty camping areas at all. I guess Mike at the Bowen Ranch may NOT be allowing people to camp there. I do not know. But it certainly is nice at this new place. With their friendly staff and pit toilets and showers. Who needs to even go to the springs to have a good time? Party ON!

trip Report 3-27-2021 First 'SNAKE'

jobe1671March 28, 2021 09:55PM

Re: trip Report 3-27-2021 First 'SNAKE'

Rick909March 31, 2021 12:17PM

Re: trip Report 3-27-2021 First 'SNAKE'

Paul P.903March 31, 2021 12:36PM

Re: trip Report 3-27-2021 First 'SNAKE'

jobe1153April 02, 2021 09:57AM

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