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Brain-Eating Amoeba May Be Moving North Because of Climate Change

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December 29, 2020 09:01AM
Naegleria fowleri, the amoeba's scientific name, is known to prefer warm, freshwater environments. When inhaled through the nose of humans, typically when swimming in lakes or rivers, it can cause a rare type of brain infection known as primary amebic meningoencephalitis, or PAM. The infection is nearly always fatal.


Brain-Eating Amoeba May Be Moving North Because of Climate Change

Rick1534December 29, 2020 09:01AM

Re: Brain-Eating Amoeba May Be Moving North Because of Climate Change

neogeo1073January 02, 2021 06:47PM

Re: Brain-Eating Amoeba May Be Moving North Because of Climate Change

Paul P.1262January 03, 2021 01:11PM

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