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March 13, 2018 12:12PM
Arcadia Calif. — The Forest Service is preparing to reissue powerline permits issued to Southern California Edison Company (SCE) that serve local communities adjacent to and within the National Forest. The existing Special Use Authorizations have exceeded their expiration dates and updated authorizations are needed for continued use and occupancy of National Forest lands.

The Forest Service will be allowing SCE to continue maintaining the grid in a safe and reliable manner while continually managing and mitigating effects to plants, animals, aquatic features, endangered species habitats, areas of resource concern, or any other area of potential effect. SCE is required to maintain the grid standard and be in compliance with several state and federal laws and regulations, including the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) requirements.

All authorizations will be consolidated into Master Permits and Easements with an attached Master Operation and Maintenance Plan, which will identify best management practices for all activities. This action does not authorize any changes to facilities, alignments, or to the capacity of the electric grid. Facilities considered in this analysis have been previously authorized with various special use permits, easements, or statutory rights and are eligible for a continuance.

The Forest Service recognizes the importance of electric system infrastructure and the key role that NFS lands play in providing electric service to the public.

If you would like to comment on this proposal during the 30-day scoping period (initiated on 3/7/18) or have any questions, the Forest Service would like to receive your input. The preference for receiving comments is by email. Please send comments to Jason Collier, with the words “SCE MSUP” in the subject line. If you are unable to send comments electronically, you may send them to the following address:

Jason Collier
USFS Supervisor’s Office
602 South Tippecanoe Ave.
San Bernardino, CA 92408

Public comments sought for Master Permit Renewal of Southern California Edison Powerlines

Rick1542March 13, 2018 12:12PM

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