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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Crescent (4% of Full)


Trip Report 12/30

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December 31, 2017 08:02AM
Arrived at the ranch about 1130 and all at the ranch seemed in good spirits. With all the cars that were parked there I know why, the ranch guy is making a ton of tax free cash of this deal!!!! Seriously , sure there are dummies he has to deal with, but please, he is making a killing off his parking lot. There should be a paved road down with flowers along the side with the money he is making. Anyway, hiked down nude and had a very nice time at the springs. Weather was perfect , stream was maybe up to my knee while crossing and the crowd was young but very cool. Met a mom and daughter who saved my butt from getting sunburned because the sunscreen I saw in my car when I left was empty. They had some organic high powered stuff that had my face, butt and other areas of concern protected but I couldn't rub it in enough to get rid of the white reside.Again, good crowd, lost of pretty women and maybe 20 percent nude or topless, no loud drunk idiots and a good vibe everywhere.

Trip Report 12/30

juliankaye2178December 31, 2017 08:02AM

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