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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (60% of Full)


Trip report July 1

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July 02, 2014 08:56AM
It was already warm at 6am as I past the Bowen ranch. For some reason Turkey vultures were flying around the ranch area. I wondered if they were Castro's friends ?
When I got to the freedom trailhead there were 6 cars and trucks parked. After I parked a cute young woman approached me and asked if I had any jumper cables. I looked to find if I did but I did not. So, I asked if I could have a look to see what the problem may be. As I looked it appeared everything was OK. After looking closer the negative battery cable had jarred lose and that was the problem. I found some pliers and tightened it down for her. She tried to give me money but I told her she was way too pretty to do that. She had been there for over 12 hours trying to get help.
There were no clouds anywhere and there was no breeze at all and the hike down was hot already. When I started down the trail I did not get but about 5 steps when a Western timber rattler was only @ 1 foot in front off me. He could have bit me as he was coiled up to do so. I jumped backwards so fast he had only a small chance to do so. That was my lesson for the day, keep my eyes peeled for danger.
When I got to the springs 2 tattooed women were swimming around and about 10 people were still sleeping. All through the day it was not too loud or crowded and actually kind of mellow. I was able to read an entire 250 page book.
At 5pm I took my thermometer out to see what the temps of the pools were.
The outside air temp in the shade trees was 85 degrees.
The temp of the creek water just upstream from the Arizona pool was 86 degrees.
The Arizona pool was 110 degrees. It was aquamarine clear and deeper than usual.
The Anniversary pool was 109 degrees. Some one had left a large amount of trash all around the area. I did not have a trash bag so I just piled it all into neat pile. Later a D.C. regular pick most of it up. Thank you !
The Womb pool was 106 degrees. I picked up trash from there and added that to the other pile. There were more than 50 cigarett butts there some were even in the pool.
The Serenity pool was 106 degrees also. More cigarette butts spread around here too. I wish smokers would keep their butts out of these pools !
The Crab cooker pool was 114 degrees.
The Contemplation pool was 98 degrees. That is a new record high for this pool as it was used by a lot of persons.
The creek water across from the beach where most people cross was 88 degrees.
Ever one I saw or talked to were happy to be spending the day at my favorite hikeing destination. With my birthday coming up I hope every one remembers to haul out more trash than they bring in.
Happy Independence day everyone !

Trip report July 1

jobe2736July 02, 2014 08:56AM

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