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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (59% of Full)


Who is most likely to sunbathe nude

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September 13, 2012 09:35PM
Question on nude sunbathing posed to 8,600 people around the world [source: Expedia summer travel survey] ... may explain the high textile to nude ratio at DCHS :-) ... we are way behind other nations. However if the question was about nude soaking, I think Japan would be further up on the list. If it was about nudism in general, perhaps Croatia would be first.

Germany: 15 %
India: 8%
Spain: 8%
Sweden: 6%
Denmark: 6%
Mexico: 6%
Netherlands: 6%
Australia: 5%
Canada: 5%
Singapore: 5%
Brazil: 5%
France: 5%
Italy: 5%
Ireland: 4%
South Korea: 4%
Norway: 3%
Argentina: 2%
New Zealand: 2%
United Kingdom: 2%
United States: 2%
Japan: 1%

Finally Nepal didn't qualify, but would give Japan a slight bump based on an incident a few years ago:


mohave | california, usa | mohave@blacksbeachforum.com | http://www.blacksbeachforum.com

Who is most likely to sunbathe nude

mxa2691September 13, 2012 09:35PM

Re: Who is most likely to sunbathe nude

Rick1067September 15, 2012 03:08PM

Re: Who is most likely to sunbathe nude

mxa1487September 15, 2012 10:06PM

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