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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (63% of Full)


True story

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May 19, 2002 04:00PM
This all happened many years ago when Michelle collected the toll . I had a girl friend Susan , not her real name , who was depressed because her cat died . I decided to help her get out of her slump by takeing her to DCHS . It was a cloudy day as we left her house in Santa Monica . As we climbed over Cajon pass the sun came out ,much to our delight . When we arrived at Bowen ranch, Michelle informed us "Iwas a regular and a good guy, and I did not have to pay ". "But Michelle " Isaid "I don't want Mike to get mad at you . " She said "F--- Mike ." I bought a case of beer to drink at the springs . When we got to the trail head there was'nt a soul in sight . On previous trips to DCHS I had to remind Susan of hot springs ettiquite. The 1st time I had to inform her not to hold my penis all the time , as this was rude to others present. She tryed to justify herself by saying she had a bad case of penis envy . On another visit , I allowed two teen aged men to take pictures of her w/ nude. After two rolls of film I began watching her pose . Then I noticed a bulge in these young mens shorts. That was the end of that. Susan delighted in this and wanted to see their bulge . But this only enbarrased them. Causing them to leave quikly. On this midweek day we had the spings all to ourselves . And a whole case of beer . The best way to describe it is to say it was orgasmic. With fun all over all the springs and beach . After consuming all the beer we began the process of leaving . When we got to the top of mofo hill Susan wanted to juggle . She often did this when she was happy . This meant to me that our trip was a succses . She must be over her slump becuse she is juggling which she only does when she is happy . After @ 100 yds. of juggling 1 of the oranges she was juggling came out of her loop . Making a direct hit on both of my testicles . This took me straight to the ground . All of my energy was gone . Susan attempted to rejuvinate me thru massage . After @ 15 minuetes of this I began to recover . As I was regaining my strength I noticed 2 blonde beauties from Germany coming down the trail . I attempted to remove Susan from my genital area , but she refused . When the women got closer they unabshfuly asked ?" iss ziz zee waay to zee hoot springs ??? " Susan removed my penis long enough to say "Yes , but you will have to wait your turn . "

True story

JOBE 2337May 19, 2002 04:00PM

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