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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (62% of Full)


5-14-11 Trip report

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May 14, 2011 04:14PM
I arrived at Bowen Ranch at about 745am. The owner was actually in the house, took my money, asked me if I had trash bags, to which I informed him I had three... this seemed to please him for he wished me a good day. As I got to the parking area, there was a group of college students arriving. They were meeting up with some of their friends before heading in.
I reached the bottom of the first hill, there were two dirt bikes noising up the peaceful hills. Once I reached the metal Deep Creek sign I decided to take full advantage of “Freedom Trail”. I hiked in the rest of the way to the creek enjoying the lite breeze blowing across my birthday suit. What a liberating and freeing feeling! I must do that every time I go (weather permitting of course). When I headed in it was about 68 degrees and a mild breeze. I met one hiker coming back out, also enjoying the trail in the buff. We spoke about who was at the creek, and parted ways.
I was seriously disappointed while descending the west face of the final hill, I spotted smoke arising from the beach area. It didn't take long and it was out before I arrived, the couple who camped out must have realized the error of their ways, thanks for that... I would hate to see the beauty of the pools spoiled and shut down for someone being foolish.
Arriving at the creek, the water level was lower than three weeks ago. The level was below Arizona pool, so I spent some time excavating some of the sands from the bottom. I love how there is a small spring in the pool, the bubbles and warmth coming up was a nice surprise.
I met “hiker”, aka Phil at the womb, we spoke a while, a very enjoyable visit. About 930am there were two groups of college students that came in, one crossed and set up camp at the beach where they spent time jumping off the rocks. They didn't stay very long. The other group, that I saw at the parking area arrived, and took full advantage of the sun and rocks and the fact that clothing is optional.
I spoke with one gentleman why was from Lithuania, came to enjoy the pools with his friends, now that's a commute to visit DCHS.
I eventually crossed back and found myself a rock to sun on while the clouds moved across the sky. While there four more small groups came in, some natural, some textile... all in all by the time I started my hike out there must have been close to thirty people there. I saw some garbage while there, near where people were still hanging out, but the overall cleanliness was good. No graffiti from what I noticed, other than the little arrows for the trail, and the rock that splits the path overlooking the upper creek valley, but that blends in and I haven't been able to make out what it says anyway.
I hiked back out after visiting the top of the bluff overlooking the pools. I didn't want to go... I was enjoying my day and freedoms. On my way out I passed two other couples coming down, said hi as they passed... only one comment from one guy from his shock... I would love to have heard his comments when he reached the creek! I would have to say the ratio was 40/60 nude to textile.
Crossing back over the 4x4 trail I passed a couple on a quad who made shocking sounds, so I decided to dress the rest of the way out, where I passed more groups heading down, 6, 5, and 3. I would guess the overall count at the creek at about 230pm would be closer to 45.
All in all, a wonderful experience, crowded...yes, but no one was obnoxious or loud. I have never been so saddened to have to leave a location, I wanted to turn around and go back.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/15/2011 07:00PM by Johnny.

5-14-11 Trip report

Johnny1939May 14, 2011 04:14PM

Re: 4-14-11 Trip report

Rick941May 15, 2011 05:31PM

Re: 4-14-11 Trip report

celtfire1084May 15, 2011 05:48PM

Re: 4-14-11 Trip report

Rick907May 15, 2011 06:19PM

Re: 5-14-11 Trip report

Johnny981May 15, 2011 07:00PM

Re: 5-14-11 Trip report

Rick1541May 15, 2011 07:03PM

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