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April 09, 2011 09:14AM
In 30 years of going to Deep Creek, I've never worn a swimsuit. And I almost always hike the Bowen Ranch trail in the nude. However, on cold days the shrinkage factor tends to bruise my ego a bit ;-).

The best time to go is definitely early in the morning on a weekday. I NEVER go on weekends- too much of a "beachball" atmosphere!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/09/2011 09:15AM by Paul P..

Best day to visit?

chad1232313April 07, 2011 04:47PM

Re: Best day to visit?

Rick1900April 07, 2011 04:50PM

Re: Best day to visit?

chad1231215April 08, 2011 11:03AM

Re: Best day to visit?

juliankaye1283April 09, 2011 06:29AM

Re: Best day to visit?

Paul P.1360April 09, 2011 09:14AM

Re: Best day to visit?

deepcreekvip1174April 12, 2011 08:15PM

Re: Best day to visit?

Madrox1088April 12, 2011 10:24PM

Re: Best day to visit?

Paul P.1909April 13, 2011 08:35AM

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