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Latest on Highway 173

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March 16, 2011 05:03PM
I would suggest that interested people call Supervisor Derry's office to express your support of his proposal and if you are really interested you should attend the board of supervisor's meeting when this issue is on the agenda and speak in favor of keeping the road open. San Bernardino County Supervisor Neil Derry issued the following press release today:


March 16, 2011

For more information, contact

George Watson, Chief of Staff

(909) 387-4855

Caltrans Abandonment of Hwy 173

SAN BERNARDINO, CA – Supervisor Neil Derry will recommend that the county take possession of the unpaved section of Hwy 173 that is being abandoned by Caltrans in order to preserve a vital corridor for mountain residents in the event of an emergency evacuation.

Earlier this week, Caltrans closed Hwy 173 – the single lane dirt roadway connecting Lake Arrowhead to the Victor Valley. They presented two options: either the county could take it over and assume responsibility for its upkeep or the U.S. Forest Service could acquire it.

“I believe that the Forest Service would let the road return to its natural state and remove a viable evacuation route in the event of an emergency,” Supervisor Derry stated. “With basic maintenance and limited access the county can maintain public safety at minimal cost.”

Although no timetable has been set to transfer the section of road into the county road system, no significant obstacles that would preclude such a transfer are anticipated. The Board of Supervisors would have to approve acceptance of the road into the county system only after Caltrans abandons the road through legislative action in Sacramento. County CEO Greg Devereaux has been briefed on the matter and expressed support.

While some residents have lamented the closing of the road to daily traffic, the ultimate concern is balancing public safety needs with an already stressed county budget that is being strained by repeated attempts by the state to shift their responsibilities to the local level.

“I am aware of the hardship this will create for some residents living and working in the mountains,” Supervisor Derry said. “But, I am trying to do the best that I can given the limitations and resources available.”

The county is not in a position to assume liability for any accidents or loss of life that may occur on a road that does not meet county standards.

Latest on Highway 173

katrina island1695March 16, 2011 05:03PM

Latest on Highway 173 on rimoftheworld.net

katrina island1097March 16, 2011 05:08PM

Re: Latest on Highway 173 in the Sun Newspaper

katrina island1976March 16, 2011 09:24PM

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