I would like to suggest starting a group of concerned campers called Deep Creek Camping Bares or DCCB . I suggest we meet on Sunday , May 26,2002 at 5:00 PM. A full moon night. Memorial day is Monday.I suggest we meet at the parking lot at the end of JF3 . This is where 3N59 starts. If we meet south of the forest marker we will be in the national forest,yet close to the springs and Bowen ranch. Bowen ranch is a 1+ mile hike and the springs are a 1+ mile hike. For a map go to the maps link. I suggest the agenda be - 1- electing temporary officers. -2- setting an agenda. i.e. contacting government officals, setting goals. -3- encoraging peace , love and happiness every where. Perhaps we could invite some San Diego camping bares along for thier input, organization skills. Also invite some of our Naturist friends. I will be camping there all natural. I suggest we have a pot luck supper afterwards.So bring some thing good to share. And do'nt forget a adventure pass,if you do you can park on blm property. Remember the camping bares are an organization devoted to the destruction of the FABRIC of society. So feel free. Any takers?