Special intrest OHV groups are attempting a back door deal with Sup Mitzlefeldt and Derry that exclude all participants in the round table process of stake holders. Members of these groups have been targeting and harassing supporters of ORD 3973. How many desert residents want thier peaceful and serene neighborhoods taken over by hoards of weekenders from LA camping out on "Uncle Larry's" 5 acre piece of dirt? The current ordinance requires a use permit for groups larger than 9 who gather the stage and ride OHVs.
Where the heck are they going to go anyway? Round and round on the 5 acres OR ripping around the quiet rural neighborhoods? We already have rampant non compliance with riders straying off the legal trails in the Juniper Flats/ Deep Creek area. They need to make this ordinance stronger and slap a heavy fine on the scloflaws that includes the option of confiscation for the worst offenders. How many times have we seen illegal dirtbikers roosting and ripping the hillsides with the Deep Creek Non Moterized Area? What a mess! They should just confiscate the bikes and auction them off to offfset enforcement and restoration costs
For all the legal riders, there are plenty of trails and open OHV areas within San Bernardino County. Our neighborhoods are not race tracks! Nor do we appriciate the dust, noise and illegal trespass.On the Public Lands, Arrastra Canyon is shredded. If there is a case to be made for closure, let the Judge take a look at the damage over there. Is it any suprise that the BLM and their intervening friends from CORVA lost the WEMO lawsuit. The evidence was overwhelming
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/19/2010 10:28PM by LaughingBear.