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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (56% of Full)


The Stampede to Oblivion

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October 12, 2009 04:16AM
The BLM is causing fire hazards and committing murder and other abuses.
On Saturday the I-Team aired a prime time special detailing the long history of alleged mismanagement in the BLM's wild horse and burro program.
The story and video is here :

Interesting story and even better video.

For more history of stories @ the BLM's crimes against nature go here :

If you or I did these deeds they would lock us up, and rightly so. All we can do now is write our government officials and ask them to stop this.

The Stampede to Oblivion

jobe2039October 12, 2009 04:16AM

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