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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (63% of Full)


What do we have in common?

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April 23, 2002 10:52PM

I want to share an experience I had at Deep Creek last week. I was leaving the SoCal area last Monday when I heard about, and then saw the wind storm out on the high desert. When I heard that I-15 traffic was being escorted to the NV / CA state line by CHPs due to very poor visibility and the I-15 southbound had been shut down in Vegas due to a semi that had been blown over on the freeway I decided to turn around and try again the next day.

Then, a better idea came to mind! Spend the next morning at Deep Creek! When I arrived there was only one other person there. The place was unusually messy.

The other fellow and I spent three hours picking up all sorts of trash and then I scrapped red candle wax off of the rocks near the main pool. Clear candle wax is far less intrusive, less unsightly and a better choice for those who want to burn candles at night, please.

I have been to Deep Creek on weekdays and weekends. I have arrived as early as 9:00AM at the bottom and left as late as about 7:30PM.

I don't have nearly as much experience at this wonderful place as many of you. I have met many wonderful people and a couple of flakes. Many, many more wonderful people than flakes. I have gone alone and I have gone with my entire family, (a wife, 3 daughters and 2 sons) and with friends and their families. I have never witnessed who it is that leaves all the trash! My guess is that it must be some of those that come late and stay later.

What I did notice when I was cleaning up was that if alcohol containers and cigarette butts were eliminated from the trash pile it would diminish greatly the overall quantity of trash.

I know that this may be an offensive idea to some. But, if these two items, alcohol and tobacco, not to mention drugs, where somehow completely prohibited and more effectively policed by whatever the policies of the future may be, it would minimize many, if not most, of the problems that now threaten Deep Creek as we know it.

Don't get me wrong, I do believe that there are those that can take a little wine with them and have a good time without trashing up the place and being offensive to others. However, I firmly believe that the more negative elements and groups that most of us hope will not spoil the beauty, peace and special presence of Deep Creek would NOT be interested in Deep Creek if they knew it was a place where they truly COULD NOT party without getting hassled! They would go elsewhere and leave Deep Creek alone, as a place to escape some of the ills and excesses of society. A place where we can be "nakedly" human and enjoy the natural beauty of this wonderful place and the fellowship of other naked souls who have come to commune in peace and harmony with each other and with nature.

What I found interesting as I was cleaning up, was what the other guy that was with me was saying.

He admitted he was a heavy drinker, and had a problem with pot and other drugs and couldn't give up smoking. But as we were cleaning up the mess from all the booze and cigarettes, even a used condom, he openly wondered why someone would want to come to a place like this to get loaded or wasted. He said he came to get away from the demons that haunted him in the world above and outside of the canyon. He mentioned that this was a place of cleansing and peace for him.

I know I have opened myself up to some possible controversy here but I thought I would share some thoughts and experiences.

What do we have in common? I believe we all desire the right and PRIVILEGE to visit Deep Creek and partake of the serenity of the setting in as natural a state as possible.

What are the underlying principles of conduct that would help to maintain and sustain such an atmosphere?



What do we have in common?

will alan 1476April 23, 2002 10:52PM

Re: What do we have in common?

Wizard 766April 23, 2002 11:08PM

Re: What do we have in common?

katrina island 851April 24, 2002 03:03AM

Re: What do we have in common?

will alan 700April 24, 2002 08:06AM

Re: What do we have in common?

Wizard 901April 24, 2002 08:01AM

Re: What do we have in common?

will alan 709April 24, 2002 10:08AM

Re: What do we have in common?

Jona 741April 24, 2002 09:06AM

Re: What do we have in common?

Free our forests 861April 24, 2002 10:59AM

Re: What do we have in common?

will alan 660April 24, 2002 05:28PM

Re: What do we have in common?

Meagan 927April 24, 2002 12:48PM

Re: What do we have in common?

will alan 808April 24, 2002 05:25PM

Re: What do we have in common?

Meagan 681April 26, 2002 07:35AM

Re: What do we have in common?

mike 668April 24, 2002 06:22PM

Re: What do we have in common?

Naked Man 711April 25, 2002 08:09AM

Re: What do we have in common?

will alan 883April 25, 2002 09:34AM

Re: What do we have in common?

mp 746April 25, 2002 10:12AM

Re: What do we have in common?

Naked Man 772April 25, 2002 06:08PM

Re: What do we have in common?

ken 1138December 25, 2002 10:09AM

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