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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (12% of Full)


TIrip report 5-22-09

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May 23, 2009 06:32AM
I spent the morning making 20 foot fire break around my RV wanting to make an excuse to go to the hot springs because it was a weather perfect day. Instead of going to L.A. to take care of business. So I went to a friends for coffee and to see how her life had changed since I saw her last. So , she starts asking me to give her a ride to the springs. After a few more request I give in and agreed , today was to pretty to go to L.A.
There are many pretty flowers blooming every where.The ones I liked the most were the poppies.
When we got to the springs only @ 20 people were there. only @ 5 were nude. So we joined them. I meet a wonder full lady who has a soul similar to mine. I spent most of the day talking to this great lady. Who thinks like me. I told her when I left her at the end of the day to remind her husband what a luck person he is. It is people like her that make my day.
Around 2:00 I went around and took temps of the pools and creek.
The creek is 70.8 degrees.
The big pool was104.8 degrees.
The anniversary pool was 106.4 degrees.
The Arizona pool was 108.4 degrees.
There was very little trash anywhere.
Like most days where you talk too much I got too much sun and putting on massive amounts of oil on my skin to recuperate.
Everyone I saw and talked with seemed to be having a terrific day.
As I left the springs at sunset there were @ 50 people at the springs @ halve were nude. As I was going up the trail 8 teenagers were going down the trail with sleeping bags.

TIrip report 5-22-09

jobe2801May 23, 2009 06:32AM

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