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Re: SC70

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June 13, 2008 09:32PM

Headlines We Should All Be Reading...........

Runaway Global Climate Change Now Unstoppable

World Food Crisis Deepens Threatening Global Starvation

Worldwide Methane Gas Release Increasing

Polar Ice Will Soon Be Gone

Sea Levels Rise Flooding Coastal Cities

Global Oil Inventories Collapsing

Desertification Now A Fact Of Life For Much Of The World

Disappearing Glaciers Threaten Millions

Amazon Rainforest Destruction Increases Threatening 40% of World’s Species

Global Overpopulation Now A Severe Problem For Future Survival Of Humanity

Oxygen Can No Longer Be Taken For Granted In World Devoid Of Trees

Unprecedented Rates of Species Extinction Now Occurring Worldwide

Environmental Collapse Now Affecting The Entire Earth And The Future Of Human Survival

Oceans Collapse Due To Overfishing, Acidification, Pollution and Dead Zones Threatens Billions

World’s Major Fisheries In Severe Decline Threating Global Food Supply

Collapse Survivors Will Be Less Then 25% of Existing World Populations

Riots Threaten Global Stability As Food, War & Resources Destabilize World Populations

Fresh Water Shortages Will Precipitate Gigantic Loss Of Life

Global Grain Shortages Now A Fact Of Life Forever

The World Can No Longer Grow and Harvest Enough Food To Feed Itself

Global Resource Wars Destroying Nations and Lives.............

...............Maintaining the ‘appearance of calm’ is important, because of one other thing I’d like to point out: not one of these issues is actually solvable. Like cascading dominoes, one ‘event’ has lead to the others, and the root causes that created these crisis have still remain unaddressed and unsolved.

This is because they have all had their beginning many years ago, when issues of overpopulation, climate change, resource depletion and environmental destruction were receiving far less attention than they should have and had the potential then to be solved. That was the time when humans had a chance to stop the chain of events that have created these conditions, but these predictions back then were received with derision and contempt.

Humanity (all of it) will be a victim of its own folly and ‘ownership’ attempts of the planet. These are our “just desserts” for skimming the cream of the Earth with no regard for future generations or our future survival as just one of the species inhabiting this planet. Profits, fueled by greed, apathy and selfishness with a healthy dose of indifference created the global destruction that is still underway.

Anyone telling you that “we can fix this” is in serious denial of the reality of events that are now occurring. An unstoppable chain of events is now rushing towards a catastrophic climax of epic proportions...............


Wizard 1413June 06, 2008 03:24PM

Re: SC70

Wizard 863June 06, 2008 04:53PM

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Wizard 1361June 06, 2008 05:12PM

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Wizard 846June 06, 2008 09:52PM

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Wizard 834June 06, 2008 10:35PM

Re: SC70

LaughingBear 914June 07, 2008 09:59AM

Re: SC70

Wizard 913June 08, 2008 11:03AM

Re: SC70

Wizard 905June 08, 2008 01:00PM

Re: SC70

Wizard 798June 08, 2008 10:35PM

Re: SC70

Wizard 780June 08, 2008 10:46PM

Re: SC70

Wizard 742June 09, 2008 10:07PM

Re: SC70

Wizard 972June 13, 2008 06:14PM

Re: SC70

Wizard 960June 13, 2008 08:26PM

Re: SC70

Wizard 732June 13, 2008 09:32PM

Re: SC70

Wizard 954June 15, 2008 11:03PM

Re: SC70

Wizard 1407June 16, 2008 11:47PM

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