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Re: SC65

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April 05, 2008 10:52PM

March 30, 2008

Planned Population Reduction

Filed under: General, Collapse — admin @ 10:05 am

I think it is becoming abundantly clear that massive population reductions are soon ahead. The worldwide food crisis situation is only worsening.

Only a radical change of diet can halt looming food crises

India rice export prices up again

High Rice Cost Creating Fears of Asia Unrest

I’d like some input on how everyone else sees this unfolding. I’m going to step out on a limb and categorically state that a population reduction will commence pretty soon. The preservation (and distribution) of assets will triumph over human rights to clean air, clean water and sufficient food.

It would not be hard to argue that this is already occurring in many parts of the world, but what I’m talking about here is really something else — a whole step above the genocide and destruction we’ve seen in the last ten years.

How do you suppose it will happen (or will it, from your perspective)?

My thoughts:

a) military interventionism (creating and fostering unnecessary wars, something America is really good at doing);

b) disease outbreaks;

c) withholding food distribution;

d) climate change will cause massive crop failures and starvation (not something we are “actively doing”, but it will be a huge factor nonetheless, only included here since it will be a big part of population reduction);

e) resource withholding (energy stocks, fertilizer stocks, industrial equipment);

f) GMO seeds (”Terminators”) and hybrid crops;

e) Pollinators (bees, birds, bats, etc.) being killed off due to disease or design.

Ultimately, I think food will be the #1 primary weapon (and fresh water). Water wars are heating up all over the globe, but some relief can be found from rainwater harvesting (hard to stop this). Food reduction and restrictions will be a big factor, along with disease and pandemic outbreaks (most efficient method for population reduction).

I do not rank terrorism anywhere on this list because I do not believe that terrorism will play a real factor at all. Nor do I personally rank nuclear war on this list either, as I do not personally believe this is presently much of a threat, but maybe some of you won’t agree with that.

There might be a false-flag terrorist attack, anything to get us to invade Iran or some such nonsense (or anyplace else where we want to steal resources, like Venezuela or even Canada - see the new joint military agreement), but I doubt it will kill more then a few thousand at a time. But it would be enough to stampede the sheep again into supporting more Bushit bullshit for a thousand years of war (or the end of all life on Earth as we know it). We’ll see, but I’m ‘looking’ for how population reduction will soon commence in earnest.

We might even see some weird genetic manipulation with human DNA soon, but whether or not this would kill off large numbers of us, I don’t know....................

The elites are now gathering up the diverse seed bank stores from prominent seed banks from around the world to stock their new Doomsday Seed Vault:


"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic
Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO giants know something we don’t

............when Bill Gates decides through the Gates Foundation to invest some $30 million of their hard earned money in a project, it is worth looking at.

No project is more interesting at the moment than a curious project in one of the world’s most remote spots, Svalbard. Bill Gates is investing millions in a seed bank on the Barents Sea near the Arctic Ocean, some 1,100 kilometers from the North Pole. Svalbard is a barren piece of rock claimed by Norway and ceded in 1925 by international treaty.

On this God-forsaken island Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway, among others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’ Officially the project is named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group.

The seed bank is being built inside a mountain on Spitsbergen Island near the small village of Longyearbyen. It’s almost ready for ‘business’ according to their releases. The bank will have dual blast-proof doors with motion sensors, two airlocks, and walls of steel-reinforced concrete one meter thick. It will contain up to three million different varieties of seeds from the entire world, ‘so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future,’ according to the Norwegian government. Seeds will be specially wrapped to exclude moisture. There will be no full-time staff, but the vault's relative inaccessibility will facilitate monitoring any possible human activity.

Did we miss something here? Their press release stated, ‘so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future.’ What future do the seed bank’s sponsors foresee, that would threaten the global availability of current seeds, almost all of which are already well protected in designated seed banks around the world?..............

The elites " want " to control the seeds as one of the tools they will use to control world food production. The masses will get corporate controlled GMO crops, complete with terminator seeds, and their newest product, special chemical components needed by growers to " activate " the growth of their new seed lines, which must be purchase anew each and every year. If you don't pay up, or if you defy them you will be sued or worse. If the " useless feeders " get to be to much of a problem, just deny them food and starve them to death.


Wizard 1346April 04, 2008 07:09PM

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