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December 23, 2007 09:20PM

...............Intrigue and deceit marked the birth of the Jewish State of Israel and its 60-year history is one of aggression and annexation. To implement their geo-political designs in the Middle East the Anglo-US imperialists wanted to have an outpost here, a region rich in strategic oil resources. They needed a regime to play the role of a gendarme for crushing the anti-imperialist national liberation struggles in the Arab countries, which would overthrow the imperialist control on oil resources. The imperialists knew that after worst persecution under Hitler and the killing of millions of Jewish people in the gas chambers, the Jews had the sympathy of the world people. So in order to implement their nefarious design against the Palestinian people, they cunningly exploited people’s sympathy for Jewish people and sought to confuse world opinion. Thus the State of Israel was founded in a region where the Jews were in the minority. In 1948 the Zionist leaders announced the formation of Israel and grabbed much more territory than that allotted to Israel under UN partition plan. They drove out through terror and massacres 700,000 Palestinian people who had lived there for centuries, and razed to the ground over 500 Palestinian villages. Israel occupied 78% of historic Palestine. Through successive wars in 1956, 1967 and 1973 Israeli rulers have aggressively and illegally annexed the remaining 22% of historic Palestine. They have brazenly defied the world opinion to vacate the occupied lands, and on the contrary are pursuing a policy of colonization of these lands. The barbaric aggressive policy of Israel has driven practically a whole people out of their homeland and forced millions to a life of untold misery in sordid refugee camps, depriving them of all political, economic, social and cultural rights. Israel has stubbornly refused their right to return to their homelands. In the occupied territories the Palestinians are living as second-class citizens, in abject poverty, deprived of education and proper medical care, subjected to wanton killing or injuries by the Israeli soldiers and security guards. Israel routinely detains Palestinians without charge or any prospect of judicial process. They are held for years without charge or trial and are subjected to inhuman torture. Israeli ill treatment of Palestinian prisoners and detainees, the common use of torture and brutality, the appalling, sub-human conditions under which they are held are flagrant violations of basic human rights, and contravene most international conventions, including those concerning prisoners of war.

The Israeli brigandage is done with full support and encouragement of the USA and other imperialist powers. The purpose is to crush the Arab national liberation movements with an anti-imperialist content. Israel, moreover, plays a strategic role in the United States global arms industry. Not only does it buy and develop sophisticated military hardware for US military industries, Israel has also become the main subcontractor of American arms. Recently Israel signed multi-billion dollar contracts to train and equip the Chinese army and Indian armies with American weapons.

The Zionists, with US patronage, are violating every international law and norm and have flouted all UN resolutions with impunity. Palestinian resistance struggle grew against the historic wrong and persecution of their entire people. The intense hatred of the Palestinian people against the state of Israel found expression in the successive Intifadas, mass uprisings, which was ringing the death knell for the State of Israel. Even within Israel opposition to the State’s annexation policy and the oppression of the Palestinians was growing. As both sympathy and admiration of the Palestinian struggle on the one hand and condemnation of the Israeli ruthlessness and oppression on the other were growing among the people all over the world, the imperialist powers conspired to deflect world opinion from the steadfast demand of the Palestinian people for an independent state, to discredit their militant mass struggle and to protect Israel from people’s upsurge. They forced upon the Palestinians the Oslo Accords to foil the Palestinian demand for statehood and the right to return to their homeland. But even the limited concessions granted in the Oslo Accords remain unfulfilled because of the Israeli intransigency. Since the time of the Accords, Israel has been increasing fortress-like settlements in the semi-autonomous areas under Palestine Authority. And Israel intends to lock in the Palestinians into their scattered cities and villages in the West Bank which are fragmented by Israeli settlements by building a complex of fences, concrete walls, trenches and barbed wire fences. Israel has gone on assassinating one Palestinian leader after another through missile attacks, as well as killing indiscriminately civilians, including women and children, and seeing to it that the areas under Palestine authority have no economic viability. After all this they call the Palestinian people who began to revolt against such criminal treatment -- often fighting the modern Israeli army with nothing but stones -- as terrorists, and are arresting, torturing and killing them.

Israeli soldiers frequently infiltrated into neighbouring countries of Lebanon and Syria and Israeli army invaded them again and again. In 2006 determined armed resistance by Lebanese fighters drew the Israeli response of savage attack by air force, army and navy. Israel destroyed large parts of the Lebanese civilian infrastructure, including roads, bridges, Beirut's International Airport, ports, water and sewage treatment plants, electrical facilities, schools, hospitals and homes. Large tracts of Lebanon were turned into rubbles. But this wanton killing and destruction only strengthened the resolve of the fighters to resist aggression.

We cannot also turn a blind eye to the role of some reactionary forces and rulers in the Arab world who did not hesitate to stab the Palestine resistance in the back, either in collusion with imperialism or succumbing to imperialist pressure and intrigue. These forces are apprehensive that the impact of these movements would strengthen the left-democratic movements in the Arab countries that may eventually overthrow the exploitative regimes. We appeal to all those fighters who earnestly desire the victory of the resistance movement to foil their conspiracy and work for uniting and strengthening the left and democratic forces within the movement.

The indomitable courage, self-sacrifice and perseverance of the people the Middle East countries in their fight against a most ruthless enemy, even in the midst of persecution, massacre and treachery is setting a unique and glowing example before the world. History has thrown up many examples demonstrating that bombs cannot annihilate peoples’ aspiration for freedom, missiles will not force an acceptance of occupation, and shells will not wipe out the desire of the oppressed to resist the oppressors. The imperialists’ attempt to cow down the fighting people of Middle East will also not succeed. In fact all over the globe people’s resistance against imperialist aggression is crystallizing. Within the big imperialist countries millions have come out on the streets protesting against military aggression by the imperialist powers. American hegemonism is challenged by the downtrodden and oppressed people of the world. In Iraq determined resistance of the people has driven USA into a corner. Latin America, which USA once considered as its backyard, has totally rejected USA, and the people are getting steeled in their resolve to fight against American hegemonism. In Africa, Asia, everywhere there is mounting resentment against USA.

This Conference expresses its solidarity with the struggle of the people in the countries of Middle East, Latin America, South and Southeast Asia, Africa and from all corners of the globe against imperialist aggression, oppression, and exploitation. Their battles are the battles of all freedom-loving people and are constituents of the global struggle against imperialism. What is needed today is to coordinate all the individual struggles of the different countries and to link them up with the anti-capitalist movements in these countries. If we succeed in building broad anti-imperialist solidarity and international anti-imperialist united front we can deliver a decisive blow to capitalism-imperialism and free the world from this scourge......................


Wizard 1159December 22, 2007 03:17PM

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