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Re: SC50

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September 21, 2007 09:45PM

Kissinger Admits Iran Attack Is About Oil

In a new op-ed, Bilderberg luminary Henry Kissinger admits that U.S. hostility against Iran is not about the threat of nuclear proliferation, but as part of a larger agenda to seize Iranian oil supplies. But the true meaning behind this is lost on Neo-Cons, who are still deluded into thinking that Americans benefit from the imperial looting of natural resources in the middle east.

In a Washington Post op-ed, Former US Secretary of State Kissinger comes clean on the true motives behind the planned military assault on Iran.

"An Iran that practices subversion and seeks regional hegemony - which appears to be the current trend - must be faced with lines it will not be permitted to cross. The industrial nations cannot accept radical forces dominating a region on which their economies depend," writes Kissinger.

As blogger Robert Weissman points out, the "legitimate aspirations" that Kissinger affords Iran later in the piece "do not include control over the oil that the United States and other industrial countries need."

According to the CIA's world factbook, Iran has the world's second largest reserves of conventional crude oil at 133 gigabarrels. Adding non-conventional oil, Iran holds 10% of the global oil supply.

Kissinger's admission that U.S. control of Iranian oil supplies is the real agenda behind hostility towards Iran would raise eyebrows and bring condemnation from many, but there are a hard core of Neo-Con cheerleaders who would support such an agenda even if it is openly accepted that nuclear proliferation is just a smokescreen for looting more middle east oil.

That is because they are still deluded into thinking that foreign wars of aggression to monopolize natural resources make America, and as a consequence make them, richer and more prosperous - when nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact that the Iraq invasion was about oil is a familiar cliche that was even acknowledged by Alan Greenspan last week.

"So what? We need that oil," the Neo-Cons sneer.........

Some people that I know, that seem otherwise sensible, and more or less moral in thier daily lives, have echoed this same general sentiment, that being, if it is so that these countries we are attacking ( Iran, Afganistan, maybe Iran soon ) have energy that we very much need for the functioning of our economies, then they express that they are supportive of such actions. They express that we just have to do what we have to do to get the energy resources we need. Never mind that the methods by which we aquire these vital resources is done in a manner that is immoral, un-ethical, and completely unfair by any reasonable human standards. The bottom line for these people, regarding the conduct of our national leaders, and of our military leaders, is just keep my abundant standard of living intact, and I really don't care how you get it done. Perhaps these people feel that they are absolved from responsibility for the negative deeds done which see this US empire more and more in other peoples lands, taking what it wants by deception and force of arms, because they are never in a position to be directly a party to the actual mayhem that has occurred, and is ongoing. Some of these people discuss it as a case of survival, its either we ( our nation ) win, or they win. " Why should we let other countries control thier own energy resources that we " need " so much, when we can through our military might, dominate them and thier resources, to meet our own needs, to protect our National Security ". This is what many in our nation see as acceptable, as OK. This kind of thinking is moving us more and more into dangerous ground regarding all the increasing conflict situations around the world, and as the pressure on societies increases, in think these kinds of " unreasonable justifications " will become even more prevelant. Moral and ethical considerations for many, will fall increasingly by the wayside, and the interactions within the social fabric of our societies will become more chaotic, as the realities of energy constraints, climate catastrophes, water shortages, decreasing food availability, and all the long list of troubles that come with excessive world population work in unison to pit one set, group, nation of people against another. I have no doubt that the people who hold that its fine to go and take other people energy resources just because we " need " it so much, would quickly change thier tune if they were on the negative recieving end of these same kinds of un-just actions perpetrated on themselves, and thier families.


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