Ditto that thanks Rick, now sounds like a good time and place to prepose improving the Freedom trail.
I know some here will attack me on this preposal. Some one should protect the public from the Growler. Freedom trail is the BEST alternative.
After all there is full cell phone coverage there. I even use my computer there through my cell phone. Also the forest is on the north side of the road in that area so improvements would be resticted to that side of the road. There are many good unimproved camping spots in the area. All the forest service need do is grade the road and maybe put an info kiosk with pertanent info for that area. From the parking area it is only 1.2 miles to the hot springs. Though it is still 900 feet of elevation change.
The only other alternative would be to reopen the Moss mill road. That could be an expensive law fight.
Path of least resistance.
Aint freedom GREAT!