I believe that every time you make a reference to protecting Public lands when referring to Ordinance 3973 in your above post, it is very misleading. My understanding is that the Ordinance is intended to apply to private property only and does not have anything to do with Public land. In most cases in this area, Public land is administered by the BLM. Is it your intent to mislead the general public when referring to this Ordinance or do you misunderstand the Ordinance and it's purpose? You also refer to staging in Residential areas. Most people wouldn't do that, nor would they be able to do that since most RESIDENTIAL areas, do not abut open or Limited use areas.
Please try to avoid causing a problem with misleading posts. I would hate to see this message board become a victim of tit for tat postings as has occurred on other boards. I think the most important thing we can and should do here, is attempt to find solutions to the problems on both sides and work at implementing them.