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June 06, 2007 08:30AM
"The weather in your world is becoming far more extreme."

Agreed we are not likely to experience a hurricane, but there are other factors in Apple Valley, Wizard. The desert is already identified with extremes (i.e. extreme heat, extreme cold, high winds, drought, flash flooding, limited water, limited food) as compared to the moderate climate on the coast.

Hurricane or tsunami on the coast, is that out of question? As for global warming, it is only one sign of increasing biological instability.


Intelligent Design?

mojavegreen 1268June 05, 2007 10:22AM

Re: Intelligent Design?

Paul P. 756June 05, 2007 01:06PM

Re: Intelligent Design?

Rick 722June 05, 2007 03:27PM

Re: Intelligent Design?

Wizard 779June 06, 2007 09:48PM

Re: Intelligent Design?

mojavegreen 774June 07, 2007 11:55AM

Re: Intelligent Design?

Wizard 707June 07, 2007 06:53PM

Re: Intelligent Design?

mojavegreen 1304June 08, 2007 08:53AM

Re: Intelligent Design?

Paul P. 760June 05, 2007 05:58PM

Re: Intelligent Design?

mojavegreen 837June 06, 2007 08:30AM

Re: Intelligent Design?

Paul P. 733June 06, 2007 01:02PM

Re: Intelligent Design?

mojavegreen 806June 06, 2007 05:45PM

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