A catchy phrase it is however, it accuratly describes what is happening. We have the attention of the State OHV commission focused here for a reason. This area has designated OHV routes that include special trails that are designated single track that exculde other types of motorized recreational users. Despite this special preferential treatment, the motorcycle crowd is not satisfied and continue to intentionaly destroy area rehabilitation projects paid for in part with grant funding.
What is clear is the area needs some close management as the OHV crowd tends to be very non compliant with route designations when left to their own devices. With a severe shortage of law enforcement available for the BLM side of the fenceline, the agency responsible for management is unable to get a handle on out of control OHV users who refuse to abide by the law.
While OHV activists are continualy whining about closures and getting "locked out" of riding areas, they are quick to lay the blame at the feet of everyone other than their own group. In reality, land use managers and others dealing with this epidemic nationwide have no other viable options short of total closure other than to increase penalties to include hefty fines and impoundment of vehicles to stem the tide illegal OHV use.
Local residents who care about this area are continuing to raise awareness about the situation. If it isn't reported, then it never happened. We urge readers here to report violations within the SBNF Deep Creek Region as well as the bordering BLM and private lands. We can and are making a difference in preserving the scenic beauty of this area for the enjoyment of future generations. Responsible offroaders can assist in preserving thier legal riding oppertunities by urging those observed violating the law to ride on designated trails only.
The hills have eyes around these parts and the damage does not go unnoticed or unreported.