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February 24, 2007 01:56PM
Student: Is there any advice as to the true nature of the different extra-terrestrials, and which are supportive of us, and which are not? And what different origins are involved in their intent?

Teacher: I will answer the first part of your question, and disregard the last. The answer to these questions is general in nature; it is one of discernment. When you walk in the woods in the forest on a path, on which you have not gone before, you may encounter beings there, wild animals which you do not know well, whether they are a threat or not. A snake crosses your path; is it venomous, or is it benign? Do you pick it up and look at it, to examine it, to find out? No, surely, you do not; you are wary of it, you are cautious of it. You do not make hasty decisions. Your inclination may be to be friendly, but you do not know "it." We advise you to continue a course of caution; however, you should be aware that your planet is a very curious place to many species of other worlds. It is like going to a wildlife preserve that has no boundaries; you could go there, but do not touch, do not harm the inhabitants. This is not a place for hunting and destruction, but of observation and learning.
Yes, you could make dams for beavers, but then what for them, they have lost a skill. Your planet is remarkable in many ways. It is a primitive jewel that has not been polished, but only discovered. How do you help it to move from the rough to the polished? Our efforts today, concerning your earlier questions, do not intrude upon the self-will decisions of individuals, but are simply a response to your questions. We have not raised this area of discussion with you, though we could have, long ago. When you are ready for answers, you will formulate the questions. Returning to your interest in extra-terrestrials, be aware that most are very pleased that you are captives of this planet! You are the dangerous species, not them! Their technologies far outweigh and outrank yours, and could wreck devastation upon your world, but they do not.

Friend or Foe?

mojavegreen 1124February 24, 2007 01:56PM

Re: Friend or Foe?

mojavegreen 1103February 28, 2007 08:21AM

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