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Re: SC30

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November 22, 2006 10:19PM

Talk of manipulating Earth's climate

..........But today some of the country's leading minds in science, history, and economics will gather in a closed session organized by NASA and Stanford University to discuss researching such a strategy -- a subject long taboo in environmental circles because so much could go wrong. Some fear it would be seen as a quick fix, replacing the need to reduce fossil fuel emissions, but others contend that the world needs an emergency plan in case global warming triggers a catastrophe, such as a break up of the Greenland ice sheet and massive flooding in coastal regions..............

..........The idea is called geoengineering: using technology to tinker with the Earth's delicate climate balance. Many scientists doubt it is possible. Even those who have studied the idea worry about the possible misuse of their research ( worried about who, our government perhaps? ).............

............Fleming said MILITARIES have long wanted the power to manipulate climate, and that worries him in relation to geoengineering.............( and I think it is reasonable for him to worry about this )

Well, guess what, military complexes, like that in the US, don't always concern themselves with " silly things " like public, or general government approval, when they decide to involve themselves in various, ongoing, covert programs. My brother is convinced that our govenment, or our military, is already engaged in " climate control " programs, and he has come across alot of evidence that appears to back this up. For my part, I certainly wouldn't be supprised if this was going on. I really think Bush is more aware of our climate crisis than he lets on, but his goals are short term, and profit based. He is all about helping out Big Oil ( major contributors of CO2 atmospheric gases ), and in aiding by his policies all kinds of other Big US Corportate interest. He and his " Pasty Faced " pals know they probably won't be around, when climate change problems really get intense and problematic. I could definitely see him approving covert government programs which would try to alter our atmosphere to deal with the imminent threat of climate change. There exist various methods by which our atmosphere could be altered, as predictions go, one of them being the release of dispersants into the high atmosphere by planes, commercial or military. Just today, the day before Thanksgiving, at one time, aproximately 7,200 commercial jets where in the US skies, and producing, alot of jet contrails. If you are one to watch such things, you will see clearly that there are days when the skies are filled with jet " contrails ". And at times, given the right atmospheric conditions, these contrails will spread out over the course of the day to fill the skies with various cloud formations, or even a general haze, all precipitatied by the original jet contrails. My brother and I have both seen information that suggest that " normal " jet contrails should not last more that a few minutes beyond the planes passing of an area, but I have seen on many, many occasions that the contrail of a passing jet last for many, many hours, and they can bloom out in a days time, and morph into much larger cloud formations. This " contrail produced " cloud cover does shield the earth from extra heat, to some extent, and if you would imagine all the air traffic world wide, releasing dispersants and creating cloud cover in a certain percentage of thier various flying routes, then this could have a cooling effect on our atmosphere, possibly counteracting to a degree, some portion of coming climate change conditions, and its associated warming. One very real side effect of these spreading jet contrails, as my brother has noticed specifically, is that they dramatically reduce energy ouput from his array of solar panels, due to the blocked sunlight. Personally its my opinion, that if our government is engaged currently in " Climate Control " experiments or programs, I think that they are more likely to screw our atmosphere up, than to find any meaningful fix to the increasing worldwide tempuratures caused by increasing CO2 gases.


Wizard 1164November 21, 2006 10:15PM

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Rick 777November 22, 2006 06:24PM

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Rick 684November 22, 2006 10:19PM

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