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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (11% of Full)


Thank You Steve :~)

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July 21, 2006 02:35PM
Last weekend as I was cleaning up at the springs a good hot springer named Steve helped me very, very much. He stated that he logs on to this site from time to time so I wanted to publicly salute, Steve. While others made excuses Steve put his whole heart into the effort.
(!) He shoveled @ 10 three gallon buckets of the horse pooh away from the shadey area. Then buried them near a new tree. This will make the shadey area nicer for everyone to enjoy.
This got that God aweful smell away. Thanks alot Steve.
(2) Helped shovel out the sand from the Arizona pool.
(3) Helped me vaccum the sand out of the big pool when I got tired.
(4) Carried out an extra large amount of trash.
With out me even asking. It is people like Steve that makes Deep creek hot springs a truely nice experiance.
Deep Creek needs more hot spring lovers like you.
May all of your visits be good ones.
Thank you Steve !

Thank You Steve :~)

jobe 1566July 21, 2006 02:35PM

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