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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (61% of Full)


Trip Report Monday 7-3

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July 04, 2006 12:25AM
I started out hiking about 2:00pm and it did'nt take long to run in to somebody on the trail that could use some water. This time it was a man and his dog. I always carry more water than I need just in case I find someone in need of some help. I know its not smart to hike DOWN in the midday sun but to try and hike UP is be on me. Anyway off I went to the creek. The creek is a life saver this time of year. When I hit the water it felt so good. After I cooled off I started to look around at the people. Small crowd, about 15. I was the only one nude at the time and I don't think they approved of that. Im not going to let some people in swimsuits spoil my day. I didn't say anything to them about what they were wearing. Can you believe that they had the nerve to walk around right in front of me like that? Whats the world coming to. : ) Im not going to let some people in swimsuits spoil my day. Later some nude people came and the swimsuits when home. The Womb is in bad shape. She has alot of sand in her bottom. Just like my girlfriend at the beach. : ) I was wondering if maybe Wizard could make a day and time for us all to show up and drain, dig out and clean her up abit. (Im talking about the Womb here not my girlfriend.) Now's the time to do it because no one was in it all day. Have a happy 4th and don't 4get your water. Greg

Trip Report Monday 7-3

Las Vegas Fireman 1018July 04, 2006 12:25AM

Re: Trip Report Monday 7-3

Wizard 1107July 04, 2006 09:59AM

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