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January 10, 2006 01:52PM
The factual evidence stongly suggests the BLM law enforcement efforts are focused in the dedicated OHV open areas, leaving the Juniper Sub region wide open for illegal off-roaders. Monthly reports filed with the Barstow BLM office and other State and Local government agencies provide factual data illustrating illegal OHV activity reaching overwhelming proprotions in te Arrastra canyon area. The damage from illegal OHV use within the Juniper Flats ACEC remains unchecked despite continued requests for a law enforcement presence. The facts suggest that the Barstow BLM office is pandering to the OHV intrests by turning a blind eye to the out of control illegal OHV activity.

Do OHV users divert BLM Rangers?

katrina island 1324January 10, 2006 09:10AM

Re: Do OHV users divert BLM Rangers?

LaughingBear 720January 10, 2006 01:52PM

Re: Do OHV users divert BLM Rangers?

Steamboat 1339January 10, 2006 08:19PM

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