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November 13, 2005 02:07PM
A friend Paul, who post here at the DCHS Forum on occasion as " Nevada Naturist ", flew in from Texas to do a couple of days of hiking to DCHS. We went down on Friday, and were joined later in the day by Cristine, who paul met during a hike to Arizona Hot Springs a couple of weeks ago. Both Friday and Saturday were great days to be at the springs, with warm temps, blue skys, and hardly any breezes. We got in lots of soak time in the Womb each day, after the low sun sank behind the southern ridges around 2:30 PM. The colors of Sycamores are peaking in the Deep Creek Canyon, and paint the landscape with yellow, orange and red. I put 5 new pics at the Wizard's pictures link below, taken during our two days at DCHS. They are photos 6-10, on page 44. Paul had to fly home today ( Sunday ), but Christine, having some extra time, went back up to DCHS, third day in a row! Friday was her first visit to DCHS, and I know she thoroughly enjoyed her time there :-)

DCHS/Nov 11th, and 12th

Wizard 1720November 13, 2005 02:07PM

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