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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (12% of Full)



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October 10, 2005 09:30PM
What a super day we had on Saturday. The weather down in Redlands was cloudy and cool. I got on the road about 9:00am. Traffic was lite going up the pass. I like to drive around the Bowen ranch to the poor man's parking lot. Save on 4 buck's and I don't have to climb that last hill at the end of the day. For people who don't know, You must have a good 4 by 4 to get down to that parking lot. Lot's of nice people down at the spring's. It was about 84 and lot's of people swiming in the creek. I talked to Dan for my weekly report on what's been happing down there. Alot of family's were out for the day. Kid's jumping off the rock's and people just getting along together nude and not nude. The Anniversary pool has a leak on the washed out wall. Also if you turn off the shower the pipe's leak pretty bad. The Arizona pool is also leaking again. I hope to see you all this weekend. Ill be up on my rock smoking my cigar and watching the day driff bye. Greg


Mr Nude Hiker 1692October 10, 2005 09:30PM

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