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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (12% of Full)


trip report

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May 11, 2005 04:07AM
wonderful day at the springs. no one there but people from oak springs ranch, one of whom was an old friend of mine, and a could asian tourists, absolute paradise. stayed sunny all day, nudity abounded until cold weather made a few wrap up at dusk. it was just so nice to not have a bunch of drunk college kids, whom still seem to find their way down on the weekdays... just not this one =)

anniversary pool and the mini arizona pool were empty all day, just a little too hot. the womb and the beach were the places to be. as i strolled across dchs del mar back from the arizona pool, crossing the nude sunbathers and the hipsters under the tree, empty hot pools in front of me with a light breeze, you had to be blind to not know it was one of those moments you just treasure, before time's ravages slips it away.

Weekdays are still people free, its the time to go, even in May.

Happy springing,

trip report

serenitynow 1691May 11, 2005 04:07AM

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