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January 02, 2002 09:57AM
Naked Ph.D. , You can still hike to DCHS from the area around the dam. I would'nt recommend parking around the spillway or the tube since vandalism does occur at times in these areas. Best to park at a pull out at the western side of the dam where the paved road passes by. I know a couple of regulars who park there and I would say thats the safest place in the area of the Mohave Dam. The Bowen Ranch road conditions varies from week to week. It is graded periodically since it is a county maintained road. Sometimes the washboard can get pretty high. There's no smoother road that gets you as close to the springs. You might also consider hiking in on the Bradford Ridge trail from south of the springs. Its about 2 and a half miles and directions for finding it can be found in these forum archives about a couple of months back. Happy Soakin :-)

Access from the Dam PCT?

NakedPh.D. 1614January 02, 2002 08:51AM

Re: Access from the Dam PCT?

Wizard 809January 02, 2002 09:57AM

Re: Access from the Dam PCT?

NakedPh.D. 804January 02, 2002 04:45PM

Re: Access from the Dam PCT?

Paul P. 929January 02, 2002 05:33PM

Re: Access from the Dam PCT?

Wizard 809January 02, 2002 07:58PM

Re: Access from the Dam PCT?

NakedPh.D. 1179January 03, 2002 11:24AM

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