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Deep Creek Hot Springs

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DCV February Meeting Cancelled

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February 23, 2005 08:26AM
Due to the recent rains and its consequence on the Bowen Ranch Rd. and the level of the creek which will be uncrossable and possibly covering many of the pools this weekend; the regular last Saturday of the month Deep Creek Volunteers (DCV) meeting for February has been cancelled.

Instead, DCV members will be notified via email of an alternative location and date so please check your emails. DCV's meetings are generally open to the public but as this meeting will likely be held at a member's home it will be for members only. Hopefuly, the last Saturday of March we will be back at the springs and our meetings will once again be open to the public.

For more information regarding DCV, please use the link at the bottom of the page to visit our website and contact us.

DCV February Meeting Cancelled

Ron 1776February 23, 2005 08:26AM

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