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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (62% of Full)


Munchkins Rule, Doggies Drool :-)

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December 24, 2001 09:19AM
Hornswagle as defined in the Websters dictionary " A combination of deft bamboozlement combined with a good measure of begging ". Yep, I did some fine Hornswagleing yesterday and with a dash of my Wizards Magic I was able to score another trip to OZ with the Munchkins! My wife never new what hit her :-) Actually she is just a great gal and my best friend in the world. She knows well my addiction to those wonderful springs :-) So off we went to another adventure. My wife packed an energy charged lunch for the little ones, consisting of two Xmas suckers, lots of jelly beans, Xmas cookies and peanuts. When we were getting ready to start hiking at our car we heard some motorcyles coming down the road and Sparky thinking she was " Super Dog " ran out like a missile and just missed getting plowed by one of the riders. She almost got hit by the second rider also. I had to plumb that pooch up a bit with some verbal scolding. The Munchkins are starting to leave me in the dust on the hike in. I have to tell them to wait for me and there only 3 and 4 years old. I'm glad they enjoy the trips to the springs so much. At the springs the kids made like little fish and swam around the Womb with thier floaties for a few hours. They made short work of the suckers and the jelly beans and quickly spiraled out of control on a sugar high :-) Nothin like eatin lots of candy and swimmin around in a big warm bathtub :-) I was talking to a person who I've seen a number of times before at the springs and he mentioned about how the weather was cloudy when it was predicted a couple of days earlier to be clear. I mentioned that someone had posted about the weather a couple of days ago on a Deep Creek Forum that I frequent and guess what, it was the same guy " Naked Man " :-) We had a nice chat. The weather was cloudy for most of the day and finally the clouds cleared off around sunset. Spoke with a number of other regulars, Pete, Andy and Rchan. Rchan lays in the Crab Cooker for many minutes and then will go for a swim in the " Cold " creek. He's got some amazing tolerance. The Crab Cooker is running around 114 degrees and the creek is probably around the mid to low 40's. I did my usual Coyote call to the canyon at the top of Mo Fo Hill. First I do a couple of calls then the Munchkins do it. Its funny watching them copy my calls. When we got back to the Wizards Magic Driving Machine the stars were shinning brightly in the crisp winters night. I loaded up the Munchkins who fell asleep after a few minutes of driving. Have you ever noticed that the dirt road always seems smoother when leaving OZ after a fine day of soaking and conversation. Yep, it must be because of the " Magic " in those hotpools :-)

Munchkins Rule, Doggies Drool :-)

Wizard 1764December 24, 2001 09:19AM

Re: Munchkins Rule, Doggies Drool :-)

DPierrotLeFou 854December 24, 2001 02:56PM

Re: Munchkins Rule, Doggies Drool :-)

Wizard 1435December 24, 2001 08:44PM

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