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Desert plan to be bared

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February 02, 2005 03:59PM
Desert plan to be bared
Questions about animal habitats loom over proposal
Staff Writer

Tuesday, February 01, 2005 - VICTORVILLE - This is no myth about a race between a tortoise and a hare. It's true and deadly serious. The creatures in this contest are a tortoise and a squirrel and a few dozen of their closest associates.

And this time they aren't vying against each other. The race is against extinction, and they are running for their lives.

They won't reach the finish line until sometime in mid-March or later when a heavily revised West Mojave Plan is due to be approved and implemented for the protection of the endangered desert tortoise, the Mohave ground squirrel and 57 other sensitive animals and plants. At the same time, the plan is intended to streamline procedures for development.

Once again, nature is pitted against human encroachment.


Desert plan to be bared

katrina island 2462February 02, 2005 03:59PM

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