Read the first commandment. For I, the Lord your God, am a jelous God. The bible is simply a His tory book of our ancestors, the hebrews. Many stories are about the idol worship that pissed God off. Maybe it is hereditary in his children. Besides, if you look around it does not matter where you pee you are probably pissing on someone. May as well pee on the same thing that pisses off The father.
I had a woman friend once who was passionate that I be her boy friend. She was a vegan and very spiritualy minded. She wanted to show me how sincere she was by inviting me over to her house to cook for me a steak. I knew she was serious when she said this. Being her kitchen had never even had a steak in it. Once I arrived at her house the 1st thing I noticed was Budda. I told her I was not going to eat any where a false idol was. She instantly piled about 12-15 budda, krishna, and any thing else posters and such, into a large fire pit. After a long discussion about our father and a long prayer. While she went inside to get the lighter fluid. I wiped it out and peed on all of those things our father hates. It was not something I thought about it was some thing that the spirit moved me to do.
The next morning that fire was still burning. So I turned the ashes over and applied more fuel. Praying all the while. In case you are interested, no, she could not give up her weed for eternal happiness.
Like He said "You must be born from above."
I hope this satifies you brother.