I happened to find this web site by accident. I used to frequent Deep Creek years ago and was one of the originals involved in building the ponds way back when we did it with just sand filled socks. When I was younger and stronger, I would hike down from Bowen Ranch. I quit going there in the late 80's because of people "Bad Guys" pulling stunts like siphoning both of my 20 gallon gasoline tanks almost dry, leaving me to run out of gas on the way out and having to walk for miles to get help. I always went alone and had no problems but now I am afraid to go alone because of all the riff raff that now frequents the springs. I don't think this person Mike Castro was at Bowen Ranch in those days, Mr. Bowen was still alive then. At any rate, I would really love to go to the springs again but I wonder if you would update me on what it is like there now and if you can tell me if you think it is safe for a single woman. Thanks, Joanna
We are but a moments sunlight fading in the grass.
Make a difference while the sun shines.