It doesn't matter where the marker is or even where the boundary is. JOBE (the "good will ambassador" who trespasses in an unending attempt to prove something or anything bad about Mike Castro) said very clearly that the Las Flores property owners who own land next to Mike have given Mike "carte blanche" (JOBE'S words not mine) with that portion of the property. So, JOBE, you were trespassing and you were also doing so with a malicious intention. (bearing false witness against a neighbor) Seems like you may be the dangerous one around here, and that would be true even if all the various people, who do not trust you around children because you seem to love their attention so much when you are nude, are wrong that you are actually a pedophile.
Joe, why don't you help Katrina raise money to buy some property in the area so you can help make a "more socialist" campsite for people who want to hike to the springs? Then you could both leave Mike alone.