We went to Bowen Ranch a couple of weeks ago in our Toyota minivan. Bowen Ranch Road getting to the house isn't too terrible, a lot of washboarding but if you take it slow and use the entire road, it's not really a problem. However, once you pay the nice man and get your free garbage bag, the road down to the parking area is horrendous. There are a couple of spots that are almost impassable without 4WD - it's even worse on the way out, going uphill and trying to navigate the massive craters and simultaneously not lose traction. We made it without any permanent damage to our vehicle, but it's not easy to say the least. And I think there was a recent post by someone who broke an axle doing it, so if you do make the attempt, go very v e r y vvveeerrryyy slow.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/12/2015 05:29PM by TomFoolery72.