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Deep Creek Hot Springs

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Re: The Long Emergency

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November 23, 2005 09:56PM
Hello Mojave :-) I viewed, and read all the material, at the site you recomended. I would definitely have to say that my sentiments are aligned with this man's considerations, of what the future landscape will be, for humanity. I have not read this book, but have written down the information, and will check it out at Barnes and Noble. After seeing the picture of Kunstler's at the Amazon site, I remember seeing him in a documentary DVD I ordered called, " The End Of Suburbia ". It is excellent, and goes into the many issues of our unsustainable urban lifestyles and communities, we have created. I think I also have seen Kunstler on Free Speech TV, Dish 9415. I see he mentions the possibility of the nation, disolving into seperate, independent entities, at some future point in time. Well as a matter of interest, regarding that point, there were meetings held in Vermont, late this summer, where the topic of conversation was this very subject, being that some people, seeing the errant course that the political structure of this country has taken us on, see that the only way to make truly meaningful change, will be to come together with like minded people, to create a new, soveriegn state, one, in which its own course, can be more inteligently managed towards a sensible, and sustainable future. One needs only to look at the once unified, collection of states that was the USSR, and remember how quickly it disolved, under the right circumstances. The US is not immune to such a future. Great change is coming, on many fronts, and if the people in this country, on an individual level, do not take the time to increase thier awarness of the nature of these various ills for humanity, then they will indeed, give themselves little chance of being able to put themselves in a position, where they can " possibly " cope, with the new realities of what life will be, as the Mirage, of what we have lived, gets reduced to the practical necesities of survival.

Storm Coming II

Wizard 1460November 07, 2005 09:56PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 864November 07, 2005 10:43PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 914November 08, 2005 07:57PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Rick 844November 08, 2005 08:03PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 735November 09, 2005 08:27PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Rick 858November 09, 2005 08:57PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 746November 09, 2005 10:01PM

Don't stop spending!

mojavegreen 824November 09, 2005 02:32PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 817November 09, 2005 10:07PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 1116November 09, 2005 10:13PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 819November 13, 2005 08:07PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 860November 13, 2005 08:25PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 959November 13, 2005 08:46PM

Re: Storm Coming II

mojavegreen 746November 16, 2005 05:30PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 833November 16, 2005 08:28PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 871November 16, 2005 09:55PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 789November 16, 2005 10:03PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 813November 17, 2005 09:25PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 1379November 17, 2005 09:35PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 781November 17, 2005 10:34PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 811November 18, 2005 08:34PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 798November 22, 2005 10:04PM

The Long Emergency

mojavegreen 792November 23, 2005 09:20AM

Re: The Long Emergency

Wizard 1482November 23, 2005 09:56PM

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