I guess you almost got goosed on your way to the hot springs Jobe! Thats what can happen when you engage in "foul play"............
It's been an amazing wildflower year as jobe reported. Village life has been kinda quiet lately except one local by the name of "Hotspringer Roe" who had a minor traffic mishap down in town. It seems he was eating a cookie and it broke into pieces. In the momentary distraction to find the other piece, the driver failed to notice a stopped vehicle in front of him. Bumpers collided causing minor damage and no injury.I guess thats the way the cookie crumbles.
Smiling Jack got a new home. The poor old dog that is always getting chewed up was really looking bad with chunks missing when he came over looking for his usual doggie treats. After a good dose of 'doggie downers", I got him in the truck and off to Vet Ed's for repair. He is recuperating well and enjoying the lawn at my daughter's house where doggie treats abound. Being a life long Village dog, he had never seen grass before or had his very own dog dish that stayed full.
For all of you hot water enthusiests, it's a great time to be at Deep Creek. Go ahead, call or fax in sick at work and come on out. The crowds are absent on the weekdays and the water is wet!