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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Crescent (46% of Full)


Is Deep Creek a part of SB forrest?

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November 04, 2003 01:47PM
Hi ! I am wandering if Deep Creek is a part of San Bernardino Forrest?
Since the forrest is closed, is DC closed as well ?

I talked to a guy yesterday who flies his plane on weekends and he said that Mike Castro's parking lot had cars. Does he let people in ?

Is Deep Creek a part of SB forrest?

Sam D. 1211November 04, 2003 01:47PM

Re: Is Deep Creek a part of SB forrest?

Rick 697November 04, 2003 02:07PM

Re: Is Deep Creek a part of SB forrest?

LaughingBear 828November 04, 2003 02:22PM

Re: Is Deep Creek a part of SB forrest?

LaughingBear 681November 04, 2003 02:26PM

Re: Is Deep Creek a part of SB forrest?

Ron 773November 06, 2003 02:34PM

Re: Is Deep Creek a part of SB forrest?

Paul P. 1265November 06, 2003 05:25PM

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