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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (62% of Full)


Trip report 99-22 Friday

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September 18, 2022 06:59PM
It was 12:30 When I got to the D.C.Campground. Talked with owners @ 40 to 50 minutes. It was my first sign of fall so I had to take this chance to go to my favorite hot spring. Only a slight breeze and maybe 80 degrees. With no clouds in the sky. Saw no one on the trail. When I got to the springs only about 12 persons were there. Most notable were two naked women who were there about 3 weeks earlier when I was there last. We had a lovely reunion. These women have a love for the springs and a positive vibe that rubed off onto me. Nothing sexual !? Thank you Noella. It seemed to be another epic hot spring day. Except the water in the creek was opaque. I read the previous post about the freedom trailhead, and agree with neogeos post. The temp of the water was between 70-75 degrees. But you were likely to bump into something if you do not know your way around. During the past 2 months a guy who calls himself Sky, myself and the owners of the campground have removed all the trash from the spring area. A huge amount of trash. This happened from everyone efforts and sweat. Thanks to all who partisapated which were many.
The pool at the source next to the Pacific crest trail (P.C.T.) was damned up to make it about 1 foot deeper. This caused the Anniversary pool to be too cool for this weather. Sky had informed me but was unable to determine the cause. So I tore down the damn which caused the water in the pools below to warm back up. Some one has been keeping the algae from collecting in pools,Thanks to Sky, all the pools are clean and prestine.
About the freedom trailhead. The resent rains have caused erosion to increase on the road used for access. A high clearance vehicle is more nessary than before. But the area was clean and a great place for camping. I think it was 2 full moons ago when I was last there. I recommend the place for people who want to camp out with out a crowd and for lovers. It is great! But beware, anything is possible, I have been awakened by late night party animals when I least expected THAT. It is like I tell people, you never quite know what can or will happen when you go to the springs. Expect the unexpected, and enjoy yourself as much as possible. You may even run into me there. :=)

Trip report 99-22 Friday

jobe1095September 18, 2022 06:59PM

Re: Trip report 99-22 Friday

GeneralRap563September 20, 2022 10:50AM

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