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Forest Service releases Notice of Availability for Mitsubishi Cement South Quarry

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September 04, 2020 05:38PM
San Bernardino National Forest (SBNF) and county officials today released a Notice of Availability for the Final Environmental Impact Statement and draft Record of Decision for Mitsubishi Cement Cooperation's (MCC) proposed South Quarry mining and reclamation project on the north slopes of the San Bernardino Mountains near Lucerne Valley, Calif.

MCC proposed a new quarry and associated facilities in its South Quarry Plan of Operations that would total approximately 153.6 acres of disturbed areas. The South Quarry and haul road would be located almost entirely (127 acres) on 440 acres of unpatented claims owned by MCC on public federal land in the SBNF, with approximately 6.6 acres of the haul road located on MCC fee land where it enters the existing East Pit. The Proposed Action would excavate a total of approximately 174.0 million of tons of material (ore reserves and waste rock).

This project fits into the agency's multiple-use mission and obligation to the Mining Laws of the United States and the National Environmental Policy Act. It also aligns with Forest Service policy to encourage, facilitate, and administer the orderly exploration, development, and production of mineral resources and energy resources on National Forest System Lands to help meet the present and future needs of the Nation.

This is a joint California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) project and will take approximately 40 years to complete.

The newly released documents are posted online at https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=36511 under the “Decision” tab.

Forest Service releases Notice of Availability for Mitsubishi Cement South Quarry

Rick1620September 04, 2020 05:38PM

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