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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (62% of Full)


Trip report January 4-2020 Saturday

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January 04, 2020 09:07PM
I got to the new parking area for the springs a few minuets after 11:00. The weather was lovely only a little chilly and mostly sunny. I Stopped in and talked to Jessica and Brett to see what progress they had made. There were @ 10 picnic tables in various positions around their trailers.Obviously for future customers. Jessica explained Mike was still causing problems for them. The B.L.M. had come out and told them they could not post a sign advertising their business. I am sure there is a rule some where about that. Also Mike had been shooting at their drone they use for surveillance. The road to the old parking lot was still a little wet in places but easy to manage. I counted 9 cars on Bowen ranch side of the fence. I was the only one parked on the new owners parking area, At the end of the day 1 other car was there too.
When I got to the springs there were @ 30 persons scattered around. About 50 - 60 persons all day. Had a good time going from pool to pool. No trash and no obnoxious fools to relate. Once again @ half of the visitors had made it down the Bradford ridge path from Arrowhead. About 7 regulars were here today. I am certain most will not want to be named. It was good to see some old friends. One guy I had not seen in 4 years because he had made so much money on the stock market he had been traveling the world. YES, America IS like that to some. Makes you think some times,,, OH ! one guy I meet said Mike was charging 20$ per person now. Don"t know if that is true but perhaps some one can investigate. On the hike back to the parking lot as I got to where the fence at the lower parking lot is. The one near the old kiosk. There were 2 twenty somethings calling on their cell phones to find out which way to go to get to the Bowen ranch ? So, I said follow me. They followed but the Bowen ranch visitors now must walk an extra half mile through a canyon with no trail markers and no trail. I am sure this will cause some to get lost. And become a bigger problem with time. When I got to my van there were 5 guys who had gone up the old way but they jumped over the fence separating the two parking areas. I related this to Brett later.
When I got to the trailers again I had some good talks with Brett who introduced me to the new owner. Had a nice chat with him also. He told me they will win out over time because they have a better plan than the other guy. Better service and more options for customers to enjoy. Sounds about right to me. Hope others agree too. It was nice to see the guy in charge has his head in the right place. I am sure he is exactly correct.
To find the new parking area - turn right just before the Bowen ranch signs. Then go @ 1/4 mile up the smooth road. Look on the left for the trailers and go toward them. Friendly service and a receipt. !0$ per person.

Trip report January 4-2020 Saturday

jobe1507January 04, 2020 09:07PM

Re: Trip report January 4-2020 Saturday

Paul P.1087January 06, 2020 08:34AM

Re: Trip report January 4-2020 Saturday

jobe611January 06, 2020 01:16PM

Re: Trip report January 4-2020 Saturday

Paul P.968January 07, 2020 08:27AM

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