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The Moon is Waning Gibbous (62% of Full)


Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

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October 16, 2017 10:36AM
My friend linked this review to me..

We come to a gated road where a man with a shotgun steps out and begins his schpeal by now listen here kids and goes on for 25 minuets about uselessness of his life. When you try to say okay sir we must be on our way he just bounced the price to be 10 dollars each since he now is offended that I don’t seem to care past the literal 25 minute mark about his life. Especially because there are people in the car who don’t speak English and are very confused and scared by the half hour hold up and the shotgun. So I give him the extra cash and step into the car. He began story again about us kids being rude and I told him that we don’t have much time unfortunately but dont mean any evil at all but it is unfair that he just raised the price for the third time to 15 dollar when we only have plans for 5. So we again pay but omg when I mentioned that all this is not fair the lunatic begins to scream and throw back money and saying that we don’t understand fair. Moving around our car as though he will hit it and not allowing us through we just had to run away. Now for the next hour I am examining this to tourists. Horrible just horrible and quite scary

Here's another one in the last week:

Cancel your plans to visit this location if you are not planning on going on a 7 mile hike around mikes house. Which I did because I love the hot rings but here is a man who stands on the road and charges you 5 dollars to enter but always jokes about returning to flat tiers if he wants to push your buttons. So after some encounters with him I learned that this is not a joke and the police absolutely don't care that my car tiers are truly slashed and it is clear that mike did this. I will try to see this to court but you have been warned and if this happened to you please message me.

Soo... who is this Mike Bowen dude? Does he need psychiatric meds? Dude is off his rocker... Btw I'm guessing the last reviewer had his tires slashed cause they had a verbal fight... but still, slashed tires sucks.

Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

Antranik2720October 16, 2017 10:36AM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

MINERALKING1191October 16, 2017 02:23PM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

Antranik1274October 16, 2017 03:44PM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

juliankaye1100October 21, 2017 06:59AM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

Rick1055October 21, 2017 01:42PM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

Katrinaisland1560October 21, 2017 04:05PM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

jobe1083October 21, 2017 10:38PM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

neogeo1069November 06, 2017 01:56PM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

Paul P.943November 06, 2017 05:53PM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

Wizard999November 06, 2017 08:10PM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

neogeo944November 09, 2017 12:09AM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

Rick831November 09, 2017 01:01PM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

Katrinaisland857November 09, 2017 05:29PM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

Wizard821November 09, 2017 09:30PM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

neogeo835November 09, 2017 11:54PM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

Wizard924November 10, 2017 12:14PM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

Wizard848November 09, 2017 10:33PM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

Paul P.971November 10, 2017 08:28AM

Re: Very Hairy Experiences Reported with Bowen Ranch Last Week thumbs down

Wizard1282November 11, 2017 12:25PM

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