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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (63% of Full)


Trip Report June 20-21st. "Gross!"

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June 23, 2014 01:21AM
Lots of younger people at the the springs Friday night and Saturday morning. My friend and myself were the only two nude individuals there besides a couple topless girls who were partying pretty hard during the evening. Saturday morning was completely textile until we introduced the nudity side of things which seemed to give some inspiration to others and that just created a trickle effect on the whole place and it soon became truly clothing optional. What seemed like a high school group if about 15 them showed up mid-morning and proceeded to get wide-eyed when the realized what they stumbled on to. They left a good 20 minutes after their arrival.

My biggest concern along with a little bit of anger is directed towards how much trash people have left behind. It is seriously on the edge of what I would consider a health threat / contaminated area right now. I saw a lot of stuff, including big bags of garbage that was for sure left over from Memorial Day. Things were smelling quite ripe over in the beach/camping area. Also about 5 bags of trash in the middle of the beach area by the post. What a shame. I can only assume it's going to build up and get worse. I absolutely love Deep Creek, but I am considering not even going again until it floods over in the future.

Besides all that, I made some new friends and enjoyed everyone's company.

If anyone else met or knows of the very drunk naked birthday girl, I would love to hear how she did hiking back up.... Or even waking up for that matter, lol.

Trip Report June 20-21st. "Gross!"

minibouncer22857June 23, 2014 01:21AM

Re: Trip Report June 20-21st. "Gross!"

speakeasy1269June 23, 2014 11:57AM

Re: Trip Report June 20-21st. "Gross!"angry smiley

Sam D.1209June 23, 2014 12:55PM

Re: Trip Report June 20-21st. "Gross!"

neogeo1146June 23, 2014 01:55PM

Re: Trip Report June 20-21st. "Gross!"

Sam D.1161June 23, 2014 02:07PM

Re: Trip Report June 20-21st. "Gross!"

Paul P.1051June 23, 2014 03:44PM

Re: Trip Report June 20-21st. "Gross!"

neogeo1713June 23, 2014 05:55PM

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